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Very Very Important
You must test ETS Racing Fuels last, so that the anti-friction molecules that settle on the surfaces in contact, do not benefit the performance of other fuels.
It takes approx. 10 min of operation for the anti-friction molecules to settle, then they remain in the engine (washing them can take approx. 20 min with a non-additised fuel).

ETS Racing Fuels use the most efficient pure molecules (purity > 98 %) in order to guarantee consistency of physical parameters and identical chemicals structures of our fuels, batch to batch. This ensures our customers get the best performance from their engine mapping for the entire season.
Get the most from your engine performance and reliability… choose ETS Racing Fuels !

We are mainly using 3 types of additives:

° Detergents and anti-oxidants: to guarantee the cleanliness of engines and ensure a long storage period.
° Combustion improvers acting for a better spray fragmentation: when the fuel is injected, it forms a spray of droplets. Modifying the fuel surface tension, droplets become smaller thus providing a better, vivid and more complete combustion
° Special anti-friction molecules to gain power and significantly reduce wear.

When using ETS Racing Fuels, our customers experience low engine wear due to specific anti-friction molecules in our fuel. In the case of a comparative test with other fuels, ETS fuel should always be tested last, so that the anti- friction molecules that settle on the surfaces in contact do not benefit the performances of other fuels. It takes approximately 10 min of operation for the anti-friction molecules to settle, then they remain in the engine (washing them can take approx. 20 min with a non-additised fuel).

With oxygenated fuel, it is like enlarging your carburetor or aspirating more air into your engine. As far as you bring an additional source of oxygen thus you need to enrich the air/fuel mix. You will then burn more fuel and obtain extra power including at high RPM because of cylinder filling improvement (mini turbo effect by cooling of the load). Therefore it is absolutely necessary to adapt and fine tune the injection duration and mapping or carburetor jetting.
The higher the combustion speed is, the better the efficiency is, thus a gain of performance. The pressure peak on the piston is then higher.
The spark advance needs to be modified as well and in most cases it has to be retarded. Indeed, you must absolutely make sure that the piston pressure peak appears just after the top dead centre (a few V° degrees crankshaft). With a high speed combustion fuel, if you don’t modify the spark advance (moment when the spark plug ignite), the pressure peak will oppose on the piston’s way up, and resulting in a low conversion efficiency.

Due to their high combustion speed and high combustion energy, ETS Racing Fuels offer high performances especially during transient phases giving better acceleration and decreasing turbo response time.
In order to measure those two important aspects, we recommend once a mapping has been completed on the bench, to do a test drive.
Indeed, as you know an engine dyno test is primarily a static test (depending on your engine dyno meter) and motorsport is all about dynamic performance, such as acceleration.
Even if you already find better performances curves and numbers on engine test bench, it is very important you complete the test session by feeling the performance and to measure the gain on acceleration (at full load) with a test drive.